On the 14th March 2023, Aventido took part in the Neurodiversity Conference hosted by iDiversity Consulting.
The delegates were a mix of AT practitioners and teachers and were attending in order to find out about the latest advances in assistive technology.
The keynote talks were given by Anita Laws, head of Holme Court specialist dyslexia school, and Annelize Alfredo Head of The Sheila Ferrari Dyslexia Centre.
Both gave insights into their teaching philosophy within their respective organisations, and both stressed the important role of assistive technology within the educational context.
Various talks from AT software and hardware companies followed with Sam and Mary from Aventido both taking part demonstrating text to speech (TextAid) and research software (Pro-Study).
A highlight for this blog writer was Mary’s demonstration of FindMyFlow an e-learning package that provides students with tips for learning and mental wellbeing as well as further training on the assistive technologies that have been supplied to them.
Mary showed how FindMyFlow can be personalised to the needs of the student given that every student will have their own unique range of needs. By completing a set-up wizard routine, FindMyFlow puts together a package of electronic training for the student’s range of assistive technology providing a post-initial ‘training back-up' for when the student is trying to remember what the trainer had shown them. By simply opening FindMyFlow, the student can, in their own time, go back over aspects of their training for any given piece of assistive technology. This reduces stress and anxiety as well as ensures a higher probability of the prescribed assistive technology being engaged with and used.
Through FindMyFlow the student also has access to the mental well-being app, Calm which can help with managing stress and anxiety.
All of the features are available cross-platform on PC, tablet, and smartphone.
Our thanks go to iDiversity Consulting for an extremely useful and engaging day.
If you would like to know more about FindMyFlow then please click the banner below to get in touch with our product specialists or to book one of our latest webinars.