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Spelling and Grammar: Some useful articles to read.

Spelling and Grammar: Some useful articles to read

In some recent research amongst employers, approximately 50% of employers were thought to value good literacy skills when hiring new staff.

It is fair to say that there are only a few people who are perfect with spelling and grammar and that we all make mistakes whether one is neurodiverse or not.

We thought it would be useful to do a Google search and see what advice is out there about workplace spelling and grammar and share our favourite articles and resources with you.

In this article from the Job Network, writer Peter Jones talks about a number of really common mistakes that can be made with writing especially when writing to communicate with important employers or clients.

He states nine points that are thought-provoking but are often taken for granted such as the correct use of ‘dangling modifiers’ and when to use the word ‘few’ versus ‘less’.

On the Undercover Recruiter blog, Jenna Allcock writes about how poor spelling and grammar can hamper the chances of getting applications for jobs onto the shortlist. When looking to fill a position, employers get inundated with applications for jobs and so piles of applications can be instantly reduced in size by discarding applications that contain spelling and grammar mistakes. The logic being that the applicant has not taken the care and attention to check their grammar and spelling and thus may not give the work the care and attention it deserves. In the article, Jenna makes a clear case for doing what is needed to ensure that the utmost care and attention is lavished on application forms and letters so as to make the right impression and get the application through and beyond the initial stages.

Preeya Lakhani, is a Project Manager at a major UK Defence Contractor. In her article, she shares some tips for making sure that spelling and grammar skills serve you well in the workplace.

Interestingly she makes the point that the use of a ‘Spell Checker’ may not always accurately correct spelling and grammar errors with, for example, homophones and she would be right for a lot of the ‘native’ spell check tools that are available. That said, here at Aventido, we have a lot of experience with specialist technology that can help in this area and recommend products that are highly accurate. Check out Lightkey, an Artificial Intelligence driven app that works with the user to help them write with more confidence as well as write smarter when using Microsoft Office apps, composing emails, messaging, and creating social media posts.

Lee Kappon, CEO of Suridata and a Forbes ‘30 Under 30’ winner said this about using Lightkey:

“It feels like having a smart companion that helps me think ahead, respond to emails and compile documents much faster. Frankly, I can’t see myself going back to manual typing”

Lee Kappon, CEO of Suridata and a Forbes ‘30 Under 30’ winner.

Going back to Preeya’s comments, about ‘spell check’ software, it is always useful to read out any resulting document before submission and even allow oneself some time to elapse and then read again (if there is time available of course). If time is not available, we also recommend using a text-to-speech app such as TextAid to read out the text of a document on a computer, tablet, or smartphone so that one can hear how a document reads. Text with grammar issues simply do not sound right when read out with text-to-speech software. This software makes it so easy for the user to detect grammar mistakes by hearing them often when tired eyes will miss them.

Final Comments

The use of poor spelling and grammar in the workplace can be embarrassing, it can waste time and reduce productivity. Spelling and grammar is something that is taken for granted, often judged by others, and for employees who are neurodiverse, a source of anxiety. It is important that individuals find their own strategies for ensuring that difficulties with spelling and grammar do not get in the way of their own productivity and we at Aventido recommend spending time trying out different strategies and types of assistive technology that can help.

The team at Aventido is always happy to give advice and give individuals an opportunity to try out different types of assistive technology. Feel free to get in touch and tell us what your challenges are and we will give you some pointers for next steps.

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