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Can Bimodal Reading Enhance Reading Comprehension?

Can Bimodal Reading Enhance Reading Comprehension?
Can Bimodal Reading Enhance Reading Comprehension?

In a recent webinar, we explored bimodal reading. The topic of discussion was whether bimodal reading, which involves both visual and auditory input, can make a difference in comprehension. In this blog, we explore the key takeaways from the session.

Bimodal Reading

Mary's webinar was divided into three sections, each shedding light on various aspects of bimodal reading:

1. Research findings by ReadSpeaker: Mary shared insights from research conducted by ReadSpeaker, which examined the benefits of bimodal reading. The ReadSpeaker Bimodal Presentation article served as a valuable resource.

2. Recent Research Highlights: Recognising that technology has evolved significantly since ReadSpeaker's research up to 2007, Mary shared recent studies that delved into bimodal reading and its impact. Notable studies included:

3. Practical Demonstration: Mary showcased the read-aloud options available in ReadSpeaker TextAid, including voice choices, speed controls, pausing, and highlighting. In a follow-up email, she shared the ReadSpeaker website, where participants could explore a range of available voices.

Interactive Research with Attendees

One of the highlights of the webinar was the interactive research Mary conducted with the attendees. Participants were asked to read a paragraph of text in two different ways:

  1. Text Read Aloud with Highlighting: Using TextAid, the paragraph was read aloud with text highlighting.

  2. Text to Be Read Individually: Participants read the second paragraph on their own.

Both paragraphs contained the same number of words, and participants were given the same amount of time for reading. Afterwards, they were asked to recall four pieces of information from each paragraph and share their thoughts on whether the bimodal reading approach made a difference for them.

Insights and Comments from Attendees

The chat from the webinar provided valuable insights from the participants:

  • Many attendees found bimodal reading to enhance comprehension, making it easier to visualise the content.

  • Some mentioned that the read-aloud and highlighting helped them recall information more easily compared to reading independently.

  • A few individuals with a quicker reading pace still benefited from bimodal reading, emphasising the balance between reading speed and comprehension.

In summary, the webinar shed light on the potential benefits of bimodal reading for comprehension. Attendees experienced firsthand how combining visual and auditory inputs could improve their understanding of the text. While some personal preferences and reading speeds played a role, the overall consensus was that bimodal reading had a positive impact on comprehension.

The session not only highlighted existing research but also encouraged attendees to explore this concept further and consider its application in various learning and reading scenarios. For those interested in improving comprehension or assisting individuals with reading difficulties, bimodal reading is an avenue worth exploring.

You can watch the webinar in full here.

Do you have a question about bimodal reading or literacy solutions? Contact Mary here to arrange a 1-2-1.


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